GREENEDGE project activities in the SoftCOM 2024 conference

Day 1: September 26, 2024

  • Poster session (SoftCOM20204 conference lobby) – poster presentation of the research work of GREENEDGE project PhD students (EDAS link for poster submission:
  • Social event (gala dinner at a local restaurant) – participants of the GREENEDGE project and guests.

Day 2: September 27, 2024 – Symposium on green networking and computing (SGNC2024)

  • Keynote speech: Marcos Katz (University of Oulu, Finland), Speach title: Towards Truly Sustainable Wireless Communication Systems
  • Special session on green networking and computing – presentation of accepted scientific papers at SGNC2024
  • GREENEDGE PhD student contest and award ceremony – research work presentation of the GREENEDGE contest winners’ and best work awards


The participants of the Greenedge project activities at SoftCOM 2024 should register using the following link:

The conference fee for GreenEdge organizers and mentors is 620 EUR for non-IEEE/CCIS members or 520 EUR for IEEE/CCIS members.

The conference fee for GreenEdge PhD students is 340 EUR for non-IEEE/CCIS student members or 290 EUR for IEEE/CCIS student members.

For any questions regarding the registration please contact